Saturday, 16 July 2011

.12 Gackt - Episode.0

Today's a little special PV!

You all know famous Gackt, don't you? p(●`∇´●)q (I have to fangirl a lil bit here... I WAS ABLE TO SEE HIM LIVE IN CONCERT LAST YEAR!! (≧∀≦) Just two words to describe him: unbelievable hot!!) And maybe you know that he gave his voice to Vocaloid Gakupo?

As we know Gackt can be such a fangirlboy if he wants to! So he decided to cover one of Gakupo's songs. Sounds strange? Actually it is somehow (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン But you know... it's Gackt we talk about, isn't it? So he chose one of ten songs and he couldn't have done better! His decision came to Episode.0! One of the most Gackt-ish songs out there I think.
In times of CG and Photoshop it's no secret that you can do nearly everything. So why not realise the original Gakupo-PV? Yes, Gackt'S PV is purely CG. But you should give it a try, even if you don't like CG. Gackt looks exactly as the original Gakupo! He seems to cosplay himself and who else could be better then him? I don't have to tell you how awesome the song is (d ̄▽ ̄)

Please enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, i love Gackt. Isn't he like 50 or something???? LoL... Anywho,  I was hoping we could follow and friend each other!
